महाराष्ट्र निसर्ग उद्यान संस्था निसर्ग शिक्षण व जनजागृती करण्यामध्ये नेहमीच अग्रेसर राहिली आहे. गेली दोन वर्ष्यापासून उद्यानामार्फात वन्यजीव सप्ताह साजरा केला जात आहे. या वर्षी वन्यजीव सप्ताह निम्मित्त उयानामार्फात उद्यानात आढळून येणाऱ्या फुलपाखरांचे ऑनलाईन छायाचित्र प्रदर्शन आयोजित केले आहे, जेणेकरून सर्व निसर्ग अभ्यासक आणि पर्यटक यांना फुलपाखरांबाद्द्ल माहिती मिळावी. उद्यानात १११ प्रकारच्या जातींची नोंद करण्यात आली आहे त्यातील काही निवडक फुलपाखरांचे छायाचित्र या प्रदर्शनासाठी निवडण्यात आले आहेत.
अशोक वाघाये
मराठी नाव: पिंगटाखुड
Common Name: Chestnut Bob
Scientific Name: Iambrix salsala
Family: Hersperiidae
Host Plant: Bamboo and Grass spp., Bambusa bambos
मराठी नाव:ताड पिंगा
Common Name: Indian Palm Bob
Scientific Name: Suastus gremius
Family: Hersperiidae
Host Plant: Borassus flabellifer, Calamus
मराठी नाव: पट्टेरी सुतारी
Common Name: Common Banded Awl
Scientific Name: Hasora chromus
Family: Hersperiidae
Host Plant: Ricinus communis
मराठी नाव:सुतारी
Common Name: Common Awl
Scientific Name: Hasora badra
Family: Hersperiidae
Host Plant: Derris trifoliata, D. elliptica
मराठी नाव : तपकिरी सुतारी
Common Name : Brown Awl
Scientific Name : Badamia exclamationis .
Family: Hersperiidae
Host Plant : Anogeissus acuminata, Combretum albidum
मराठी नाव: लघु प्रतल
Common Name: Common Small Flat
Scientific Name: Sarangesa dasahara
Family: Hersperiidae
Host Plant: Asystasia spp., Blepharis asperrima
मराठी नाव: मलबारी प्रतल
Common Name: Malabar Spotted Flat
Scientific Name: Celanorrhinus ambareesa
Family: Hersperiidae
Host Plant: Eranthemum purpurascens E. roseum
मराठी नाव: तृणासूर
Common Name: Grass Demon
Scientific Name: Udaspes folus
Family: Hersperiidae
Host Plant: Species of ginger & turmeric & also grasses
मराठी नाव: विशाल रक्तलोचन
Common Name: Giant Redeye
Scientific Name: Gangara thyrsis
Family: Hersperiidae
Host Plant: Palms and canes. Borassus flabellifer
मराठी नाव : रक्तलोचन
Common Name : Common Redeye
Scientific Name : Matapa aria
Family: Hersperiidae
Host Plant : Bamboo spp., B. bambos
मराठी नाव: कोनेरी कवडा
Common Name: Angled Pierrot
Scientific Name: Caleta caleta
Family: Lycaenidae
Host Plant: Ziziphus oenopolia, Ziziphus rugosa
मराठी नाव: कवडा
Common Name: Common Pierrot
Scientific Name: Castalius rosimon
Family: Lycaenidae
Host Plant: Ziziphus jujuba, Ziziphus oenopolia
मराठी नाव: लाल कवडा
Common Name: Red Pierrot
Scientific Name: Talicada nyseus
Family: Lycaenidae
Host Plant: Kalanchoe spp., K. blossfeldiana
मराठी नाव: निलांबरी
Common Name: Common Cerulean
Scientific Name: Jamides celeno
Family: Lycaenidae
Host Plant: Abrus precatorius, Cajanus albicans
मराठी नाव: रूपरेखा
Common Name: Common Silverline
Scientific Name: Spindasis vulcanus
Family: Lycaenidae
Host Plant: Carissa carandas
मराठी नाव: अविस्मरणीय
Common Name: Forget-me-Not
Scientific Name: Catochrysops strabo
Family: Lycaenidae
Host Plant: Acacia spp., Butea monosperm
मराठी नाव: किरण
Common Name: Indian Sunbeam
Scientific Name: Curetis thetis
Family: Lycaenidae
Host Plant: Abrus precatorius, Aganope thyrsiflora
मराठी नाव: निलायम
Common Name: Common Hedge Blue
Scientific Name: Acytolepis puspa
Family: Lycaenidae
Host Plant: Shorea roxburghii
मराठी नाव: गडद गवत्या
Common Name: Dark Grass Blue
Scientific Name: Zizeeria karsandra
Family: Lycaenidae
Host Plant: Amaranthus spinosus, A. tricolor
मराठी नाव: चिंगी
Common Name: Tiny Grass Blue
Scientific Name: Zizula hylax
Family: Lycaenidae
Host Plant: Dipteracanthus prostrates
मराठी नाव: पट्टनील
Common Name: Zebra Blue
Scientific Name: Leptotes plinius
Family: Lycaenidae
Host Plant: Abrus precatorius, Albizia lebbeck
मराठी नाव: निलिंब
Common Name: Lime Blue
Scientific Name: Chilades lajus
Family: Lycaenidae
Host Plant: Atalantia buxifolia, A. racemosa
मराठी नाव: निलय
Common Name: Gram Blue
Scientific Name: Euchrysops cnejus
Family: Lycaenidae
Host Plant: Fabaceae, Acacia spp.
मराठी नाव: टोकेरी निलाक्षी
Common Name: Pointed Ciliate Blue
Scientific Name: Anthene lycaenina
Family: Lycaenidae
Host Plant: Leucaena leucocephala, Acacia nilotica
मराठी नाव: भटक्या
Common Name: Common Emigrant
Scientific Name: Catopsilia pomona
Family: Pieridae
Host Plant: Bauhinia racemosa, Butea monosperma
मराठी नाव: चट्टेरी भटक्या
Common Name: Mottled Emigrant
Scientific Name: Catopsilia pyranthe
Family: Pieridae
Host Plant: Fabaceae, Cassia fistula
मराठी नाव: तृण पिलाती
Common Name: Common Grass Yellow
Scientific Name: Eurema hecabe
Family: Pieridae
Host Plant: Fabaceae, Acacia spp.
मराठी नाव: निरंक तृण पिलाती
Common Name: Spotless Grass Yellow
Scientific Name: Eurema laeta
Host Plant: Cassia fistula, Chamaecrista pumila
मराठी नाव: पवळ्या
Common Name: Chocolate Albatross
Scientific Name: Appias lyncida
Family: Pieridae
Host Plant: Brassica oleracea, Rorippa indica
मराठी नाव: अभिषेकी
Common Name: Striped Albatross
Scientific Name: Appias libythea
Family: Pieridae
Host Plant: Capparis brevispina, C. cleghornii
मराठी नाव: कवडसा
Common Name: Common Gull
Scientific Name: Cepora nerissa
Family: Pieridae
Host Plant: Cadaba fruticosa, C. baducca
मराठी नाव: हळदीकुंकू
Common Name: Common Jezebel
Scientific Name: Delias eucharis
Host Plant: Butea monosperma
मराठी नाव: विमुक्ता
Common Name: Common Wanderer
Scientific Name: Pareronia valeria
Family: Pieridae
Host Plant: Capparis baducca, C. zeylanica
मराठी नाव: गौरांग
Common Name: Pioneer
Scientific Name: Belenois aurota
Host Plant: Capparis baducca, C. brevispina
मराठी नाव: मनमौजी
Common Name: Psyche
Scientific Name: Leptosia nina
Family: Pieridae
Host Plant: Capparis spp., C. baducca
मराठी नाव: पिलूप्रिया
Common Name: Small Salmon Arab
Scientific Name: Colotis amata
Family: Pieridae
Host Plant: Toddalia asiatica
मराठी नाव: निलवंत
Common Name: Blue Mormon
Scientific Name: Papilio polymnestor
Family: Papilionidae
Host Plant: Atalantia racemosa, A. wightii
मराठी नाव: बहुरूपी
Common Name: Common Mormon
Scientific Name: Papilio polytes
Family: Papilionidae
Host Plant: Aegle marmelos, Atalantia racemosa
मराठी नाव: गुलाबी मदालसा
Common Name: Common Rose
Scientific Name: Pachliopta aristolochiae
Family: Papilionidae
Host Plant: Aristolochia spp., A. bracteolata
मराठी नाव: अशोकासक्त
Common Name: Tailed Jay
Scientific Name: Graphium agamemnon
Family: Lycaenidae
Host Plant: Annona glabra, A. muricata
मराठी नाव: शेवाळी
Common Name: Common Jay
Scientific Name: Graphium doson
Family: Papilionidae
Host Plant: Annonaceae, Annona muricata
मराठी नाव: लिंबाळी
Common Name: Lime Butterfly
Scientific Name: Papilio demoleus
Family: Papilionidae
Host Plant: Rutaceae, Acronychia pedunculata
मराठी नाव: कोनेरी एरंडक
Common Name: Angled Castor
Scientific Name: Ariadne ariadne
Family: Nymphalidae
Host Plant: Ricinus communis, Tragia hispida
मराठी नाव : एरंडक
Common Name : Common Castor
Scientific Name : Ariadne merione
Family: Nymphalidae
Host Plant : Ricinus communis, Tragia hispida
मराठी नाव: वेळू तरु छाया
Common Name: Bamboo Treebrown
Scientific Name: Lethe europa
Family: Nymphalidae
Host Plant: Poaceae, Bambusa bambos
मराठी नाव: निल भिरभिरी
Common Name: Blue Pansy
Scientific Name: Junonia orithya
Family: Nymphalidae
Host Plant: Acanthus spp., Barleria spp.
मराठी नाव: तपकिरी भिरभिरी
Common Name: Chocolate Pansy
Scientific Name: Junonia iphita
Family: Nymphalidae
Host Plant: Barleria cristata, Dipteracanthus prostrates
मराठी नाव: राखी भिरभिरी
Common Name: Grey Pansy
Scientific Name: Junonia atlites
Family: Nymphalidae
Host Plant: Barleria spp., Hygrophila auriculata
मराठी नाव: पितनेत्री भिरभिरी
Common Name: Lemon Pansy
Scientific Name: Junonia lemonias
Family: Nymphalidae
Host Plant: Barleria spp., Hygrophila auriculata
मराठी नाव: मयुर भिरभिरी
Common Name: Peacock Pansy
Scientific Name: Junonia almana
Family: Nymphalidae
Host Plant: Acanthus spp., Barleria spp.
मराठी नाव: निलपर्ण
Common Name: Blue Oakleaf
Scientific Name: Kallima horsfieldii
Family: Nymphalidae
Host Plant: Strobilanthes callosus, S. ciliate
मराठी नाव: नायक
Common Name: Commander
Scientific Name: Moduza procris
Family: Nymphalidae
Host Plant: Cadaba fruticosa
मराठी नाव: सरदार
Common Name: Common Baron
Scientific Name: Euthalia aconthea
Family: Nymphalidae
Host Plant: Anacardium occidentale, Mangifera spp
मराठी नाव: गडद सरदार
Common Name: Gaudy Baron
Scientific Name: Euthalia lubentina
Family: Nymphalidae
Host Plant: Dendrophthoe falcata, D. glabrescen
मराठी नाव: नवाब
Common Name: Common Nawab
Scientific Name: Polyura athamas
Family: Nymphalidae
Host Plant: Acacia caesia, A. catechu
मराठी नाव: : हबशी
Common Name: Common Indian Crow
Scientific Name: Euploea core
Family: Nymphalidae
Host Plant: Adenium obesum, Asclepias curassavica
मराठी नाव: ताडपरी
Common Name: Common Palmfly
Scientific Name: Elymnias hypermnestra
Family: Nymphalidae
Host Plant: Arecaceae, Areca spp.
मराठी नाव: तरंग
Common Name: Common Sailer
Scientific Name: Neptis hylas
Family: Nymphalidae
Host Plant: Bombax spp., Bombax ceiba
मराठी नाव: उर्वशी
Common Name: Painted Lady
Scientific Name: Vanessa cardui
Family: Nymphalidae
Host Plant: Anchusa spp., Cynoglossum spp.
मराठी नाव: छोटा चांदवा
Common Name: Danaid Eggfly
Scientific Name: Hypolimnas misippus
Family: Nymphalidae
Host Plant: Asystasia gangetica, A. lawiana
मराठी नाव: मोठा चांदवा
Common Name: Great Eggfly
Scientific Name: Hypolimnas bolina
Family: Nymphalidae
Host Plant: Phaulopsis imbricate
मराठी नाव: कंचा रूईकर
Common Name: Glassy Tiger
Scientific Name: Parantica aglea
Family: Nymphalidae
Host Plant: Calotropis gigantea, Cryptolepis dubia
मराठी नाव: निल रूईकर
Common Name: Blue Tiger
Scientific Name: Tirumala limniace
Family: Nymphalidae
Host Plant: Heterostemma spp., Holarrhena pubescens
मराठी नाव: रूईकर
Common Name: Plain Tiger
Scientific Name: Danaus chrysippus
Family: Nymphalidae
Host Plant: Asclepias curassavica, Calotropis spp
मराठी नाव: पट्टेरी रूईकर
Common Name: Striped Tiger
Scientific Name: Danaus genutia
Family: Nymphalidae
Host Plant: Asclepias curassavica, Ceropegia fantastica
मराठी नाव: कृष्णकमलिनी
Common Name: Tawny Coster
Scientific Name: Acraea violae
Family: Nymphalidae
Host Plant: Passiflora spp., P. edulis
मराठी नाव: तपकिरी नरेश
Common Name: Tawny Rajah
Scientific Name: Charaxes psaphon
Family: Nymphalidae
Host Plant: Miliusa tomentosa
मराठी नाव : कृष्ण नरेश
Common Name : Black Rajah
Scientific Name : Charaxes solon
Family: Nymphalidae
Host Plant : Dalbergia sissoo, Moullava spicata
Excellent collection!!!!Good way to b with nature n enjoy natures beauty.
खूप जास्त सुंदर प्रदर्शन आहे. ही नवीन संकल्पना आवडली. प्रतीक मोरे यांचे अप्रतिम फोटो आहेत.
I got to know about so many butterflies 😍
Such beautiful collection.
Beautifully put and very knowledgeable 👏🏽👏🏽
Very Nice and Informative.
All are wonderful pics…Mr. Pratik More and Mr. Prashant took splendid efforts to have such beautiful sightings and recordings..
Really appreciable..
Pls tell us further submission of wild life photos so that we will also participate.
It’s really amazing… Great collection.
Excellent photography 👍
Keep it up
Wa, apratim
Such a superb experience.. Last few days I have been observing beautiful butterflies around our society. I was exploring options to see them and your virtual exhibition gave me the satisfaction.
Worth watching it.
Well done
Jayashree Bhakay
Amazing Collection, Of you could give common name of the host plant and also the preferred nectar plants, it would be helpful.
Can we not have a pdf of this as ready reference.
Thank you for the exhibition, enjoyed throughly.
Very nice I really like it
Beautiful collection of butterflies. I loved it.
फारच सुंदर प्रदर्शन !!घरी बसून फुलपाखराच्या अनेक जाती त्यांची नावे समजली.खूप छान कँमेर्यातून टिपले आहेत .अप्रतिम👍👍🙏🌹
amazing,very beautiful
Very nice👏👏 🙏
अतिशय सुंदर फोटोज् आणि माहिती
Great collection
Truly shareable content
Very nice collection.
Lot of information we got from your collection.
Thank you
Thank you.
Excellent collection.
विविध पक्ष्यांचे अप्रतिम चित्रण! विविध पक्षी आणि फुलपाखरे पहाताना मनस्वी आनंद वाटला…..आमच्या पर्यंत हा खजिना आणल्या बद्धल सगळ्यांचे मनपूर्वक अभिनंदन आणि धन्यवाद!
This website is awesome. I constantly come across something new & different right here. Thank you for that data.
खूप छान छायाचित्रे
माहिती सुद्धा विस्तारित आहे. 👌👌
खुप छान ,शोध घेतानां सोप्प जातय.धन्यवाद या संग्रहासाठी.
Thank you so much for this collection it helps to find in marathi ,all the picks are very clear & nice to identify
कृपया जोकर या फुलपाखरास समाविष्ट करावे
Great to hear the marathi names
Beautiful and informative. Nice photographs . Please inform which plants are to be planted to attract them.